CoC Funding Opportunities

Indianapolis CoC Funding Opportunities

Continuum of Care (CoC) Funding

The CoC Program is designed to promote communitywide commitment to the goal of ending homelessness by providing funding for nonprofit providers and State and local governments. This program promotes access to and use of mainstream programs by homeless individuals and families.  The CoC Program is intended to assist individuals (including unaccompanied youth) and families experiencing homelessness and provide the services needed to help such individuals move into transitional and permanent housing, with the goal of long-term stability.

The Indianapolis Continuum of Care Project manager is Siara Cox, CHIP Indy.  The CoC Grant Manager is Christina Johnson, Department of Metropolitan Development.

Click here for the HUD source and to learn more about the Continuum of Care Program. 

Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Funding

The ESG Program is designed to assist people with quickly regaining stability in permanent housing after experiencing a housing crisis and/or homelessness.  ESG funds may be used for five program components: street outreach, emergency shelter, homelessness prevention, rapid re-housing assistance, and HMIS; as well as administrative activities (up to 7.5% of a recipient’s allocation can be used for administrative activities).

The Indianapolis Emergency Solutions Advisory Committee is led by Amber Hayes, Department of Metropolitan Development.

Click here for the HUD source and to learn more about the Emergency Solutions Grant.

The 2025 ESG & HOPWA application is now open! You can find application materials through the link below. Applications are due to DMD by 12 PM October 7th, 2024. Please reach out to Amber Hayes with any questions at

Indianapolis Housing Trust Fund

The Housing Trust Fund (HTF) can grant States and state-designated entities funding that may be used for the production or preservation of affordable housing through the acquisition, new construction, reconstruction, and/or rehabilitation of non-luxury housing with suitable amenities. All HTF-assisted units will be required to have a minimum affordability period of 30 years.

A State must use at least 80 percent of each annual grant for rental housing; up to 10 percent for homeownership; and up to 10 percent for the grantee’s reasonable administrative and planning costs.

The Indianapolis Housing Trust Fund Committee is currently led by Amber Hayes, Department of Metropolitan Development.

Click here for the HUD source and to learn more about eligible activities and forms of assistance.

Housing to Recovery Fund

The Housing to Recovery Fund provides supportive services funding to new supportive housing projects using an outcome-based funding model. Central Indiana Community Foundation (CICF), in partnership with the City of Indianapolis and Coalition for Housing Intervention and Prevention (CHIP) and Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH) administers these grants using a pay-for-success model that only invests in housing stability outcomes (staying housed for over one year). The results to date are proving this model as a true solution with 97% housing stability.

The Housing to Recovery Fund Planning Committee is led by Stephanie Mercier, Corporation for Supportive Housing.

Click here to learn more about the Housing to Recovery Program.

CoC Funding
Continuum of Care (CoC) Funding

The CoC Program is designed to promote communitywide commitment to the goal of ending homelessness by providing funding for nonprofit providers and State and local governments. This program promotes access to and use of mainstream programs by homeless individuals and families.  The CoC Program is intended to assist individuals (including unaccompanied youth) and families experiencing homelessness and provide the services needed to help such individuals move into transitional and permanent housing, with the goal of long-term stability.

The Indianapolis Continuum of Care Project manager is Siara Cox, CHIP Indy.  The CoC Grant Manager is Christina Johnson, Department of Metropolitan Development.

Click here for the HUD source and to learn more about the Continuum of Care Program. 

ESG Funding
Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Funding

The ESG Program is designed to assist people with quickly regaining stability in permanent housing after experiencing a housing crisis and/or homelessness.  ESG funds may be used for five program components: street outreach, emergency shelter, homelessness prevention, rapid re-housing assistance, and HMIS; as well as administrative activities (up to 7.5% of a recipient’s allocation can be used for administrative activities).

The Indianapolis Emergency Solutions Advisory Committee is led by Amber Hayes, Department of Metropolitan Development.

Click here for the HUD source and to learn more about the Emergency Solutions Grant.

The 2025 ESG & HOPWA application is now open! You can find application materials through the link below. Applications are due to DMD by 12 PM October 7th, 2024. Please reach out to Amber Hayes with any questions at

Housing Trust Fund
Indianapolis Housing Trust Fund

The Housing Trust Fund (HTF) can grant States and state-designated entities funding that may be used for the production or preservation of affordable housing through the acquisition, new construction, reconstruction, and/or rehabilitation of non-luxury housing with suitable amenities. All HTF-assisted units will be required to have a minimum affordability period of 30 years.

A State must use at least 80 percent of each annual grant for rental housing; up to 10 percent for homeownership; and up to 10 percent for the grantee’s reasonable administrative and planning costs.

The Indianapolis Housing Trust Fund Committee is currently led by Amber Hayes, Department of Metropolitan Development.

Click here for the HUD source and to learn more about eligible activities and forms of assistance.

Housing to Recovery Fund
Housing to Recovery Fund

The Housing to Recovery Fund provides supportive services funding to new supportive housing projects using an outcome-based funding model. Central Indiana Community Foundation (CICF), in partnership with the City of Indianapolis and Coalition for Housing Intervention and Prevention (CHIP) and Corporation for Supportive Housing (CSH) administers these grants using a pay-for-success model that only invests in housing stability outcomes (staying housed for over one year). The results to date are proving this model as a true solution with 97% housing stability.

The Housing to Recovery Fund Planning Committee is led by Stephanie Mercier, Corporation for Supportive Housing.

Click here to learn more about the Housing to Recovery Program.

NOFO 2024 Funding

New Project RFP’s and Materials Are Available Now!

The US Department of Housing and Urban Development has released the FY 2024 and FY 2025 Continuum of Care Competition NOFO.  With this new information, the Indianapolis CoC will be extending the timeline for submission of new project applications. The deadline for submission of new project applications is August 19, 2024 by 11:59 AM.  Completed applications must be sent to

FY 2024 and FY 2025 Continuum of Care (CoC) Request for Proposals (RFP) materials are available below for the Notice of Funding Opportunity.

2024 Coordinated Entry Request for Proposals

2024 New Project Request for Proposals. All new projects MUST complete this RFP.

Domestic Violence Bonus Funding Supplement: Only to be completed and turned in with New Project RFP if an organization is interested in Domestic Violence Bonus Funds.

ESNAP Questions: Budget Supplement that all new projects MUST complete.

Healthcare and Housing Bonus Supplement: Only to be completed and turned in with New Project RFP if an organization can demonstrate a housing and healthcare partnership.

NOFO Training & Office Hours

A training/Q&A session, as well as office hours, will be available for those who want to learn more, ask questions, or better understand the process.  These sessions will be offered by the Department of Metropolitan Development team, who serves as the Collaborative Applicant for Indianapolis.  If you have questions, please reach out to with the subject line “2024 New project RFP question.”

Blueprint Council Approved Documents

The Blueprint Council met on September 24, 2024 at 2 pm and approved the Indianapolis CoC Priority Listing and the NOFO Policy Manual.  The approved documents can be reviewed below.

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