
Your Voice Resonates

​CHIP empowers individuals to become advocates for individuals and families experiencing homelessness. Many issues affect people who experience homelessness, which is why we work collectively to break down barriers and create policies that assist community members as they obtain housing. We advocate for increased resources and legislation to establish housing solutions, but we need your help to effect this community change.

Share Your Lived Experience

​​Individuals who have experienced homelessness are vital contributors to our community’s organized response to the crisis. CHIP provides individuals with lived experience a platform to share their stories, insights, and perspectives. These voices are catalysts for change, shedding light on the realities of homelessness and guiding our efforts.

Be an Advocate

Our advocacy resources give you the tools you need to advocate for policy that prevents and ends homelessness. For more on how to amplify CHIP’s message, please see our Press & Media Kit.

Access Real-Time Data
​CHIP empowers you to become an advocate for people experiencing homelessness. Learn more to educate others about homelessness.
Take a Stance
The best advocates are informed of our mission and current actions. Keep up-to-date on current issues and legislation affecting homelessness.
Use Your Voice
The first step in advocating for policies that impact homelessness is to connect with those who craft legislation. Contact local officials.

Frequently Asked Questions

In addition to the activities above, (accessing research for education, signing up for our newsletter, and contacting local officials), you can also share CHIP’s social media channels to your network, and get involved in spreading CHIP’s mission through different forms of advocacy. Click here to learn more!

Advocacy and lobbying are effective ways for nonprofits to create awareness about the impact, positive or negative, of public policy on individuals and communities.

Nonprofits can and should use their knowledge and expertise in community-based issues to advocate and lobby. Many nonprofit leaders, however, are concerned about losing their 501(c)(3) status if they lobby and lose a valuable opportunity to speak up themselves and those whom they serve. Following the IRS guidelines can help non-profits safely advocate and lobby on issues and policies of concern to them.

​CHIP advocates for policies that create housing solutions. Policies are needed to help prevent homelessness in the community, as well as support people leaving homelessness. Learn more about CHIP’s current policy priorities and our stance on issues currently in session:


  • Increase affordable housing for low-income Hoosiers
  • Ensure adequate affordable housing is created with a homeless preference​


  • Reduce and prevent substance abuse by expanding evidence-based prevention practices
  • Expand and increase access to mental health and substance abuse services


  • Expand Medicaid coverage to include funding for housing and support services


  • Increase safety, educational attainment, and housing options for youth age 24 and under

Nonprofits are allowed to engage in lobbying activities, provided they do not engage in excessive lobbying or spend a certain percentage of their budget on lobbying efforts. Nonprofit charities may not engage in promoting or opposing political candidates or parties in any way, or they risk losing their tax exemption. Essentially, nonprofits may not use charitable resources for partisan or political activities. Nonprofits may lobby and simply need to follow the rules for lobbying (register and report expenses, including paid staff time). Visit the IRS’s website for more information on lobbying activities or the Alliance for Justice for more information on non-profit lobbying.